Opinion: This Is What a (tumblr-wave) Feminist Looks Like

I am so over the third wave! Let's adopt tumblr-wave feminism, because that's totally effective.

Major concerns:
Silencing the homophobic assholes who say things like "stop stalking and sending death threats to the wife of the actor who plays a character in Supernatural because you're convinced that he's actually gay with the actor of another character in the show who you're convinced has a hidden gay relationship with the first character."

Reasoned Debate:
Animated .gifs and passive-aggressive hash tags should be more than enough, but telling people to "die in a fire" or to "kill yourself" is always appropriate for those really difficult cases of "people might disagree with you."

Terminology & Rhetoric:
Pick something you have/are/like, and then add "-shaming." Be sure to write in a stilted fashion that suggests equal parts breathless exasperation and smug disdain. Finally, make sure you put a trigger warning in your post for every possible mildly upsetting thing. After all, who cares about watering down the significance of trigger warnings for people with PTSD?

On Books:
Accuse people of class privilege if they suggest you read some feminist literature, then go back to playing your $60 Xbox 360 games.

On Activism:
Remind those feminist activist naysayers that you have more followers than they do. All they do is pointless stuff like "volunteer at a rape crisis centers" and "organize teach-ins, rallies, and protests." You've got a sarcastic post that got re-blogged 3000 times.